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Fairer Economies - What are the Challenges in Making Economies More Sustainable?

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Fairer Economies - What are the Challenges in Making Economies More Sustainable?


The current volatility in the economy has adversely impacted the progress made in the last decade, forecasting extreme poverty by 2030. Subsequently, it is essential to acquire sustainable economic growth to recover from this crisis. This article gives information about challenges that nations face in making economies more sustainable.

Economic Setback 

A significant amount of progress happened. But due to the pandemic, the economy went down, accelerating the rate of poverty. Various economic sustainable development activities started as a national initiative to address the challenges created by the pandemic. According to the UN Sustainable Goal Development Report, in 2020, only 46.9% of the world population was decently covered under social protection cash benefits. That leaves behind almost four billion people with no social safety net.

Goals for a Fairer, Sustainable Economy and its Development

Sustainable development is a long-term process. According to the present economic condition, nations should set concrete milestones to balance their economies sustainably. Here are some of the chief objectives that organizations should strive to meet for fairer economies:

Economic growth for decent work

Organizations should bring in productive employment with appropriate per capita economics that can help achieve greater levels of economic productivity. In addition, nations should focus more on encouraging entrepreneurship, job creation, protecting labor rights, etc., to boost the economy to a sustainable rate. For example, the government should focus on startup funding, create portals where co-founders can meet investors, etc.

Resource-based initiatives:

Targeting cities with resource-efficient actions and initiatives can help create jobs. In turn, it will help people get back on track and rise from poverty with a higher-wage future. With effective job creation, people can participate in the economy, bringing it to a subsistence level. For example, in places where any particular mineral is abundant, the government should set up industries to cultivate such minerals, employing locals in the process. That is how organizations can use natural resources also.

Demote inequalities:

Organizations should render income opportunities to the bottom 40 percent of the population to achieve economic stability. That will require ensuring economic, social, and political embodiment with equal opportunity for all. Additionally, governments should promote the adoption of policies and regulations that foster equality and improve the supervision of global monetary markets.


Every nation can mitigate the challenges in making economies more sustainable by making transparent supply chains, bringing more employment, and allowing the citizens to participate in the flow of the economy. Using natural resources and employing locals can yield profits and promote economic growth. Also, they can leverage technology such as data analysis to predict the growth and requirement of customers and establish industries based on demand. To read more articles of this type, visit the Cogent InfoTech website.

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