
What is Programming? What is a Framework? Types of Web Frameworks.

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Gone are the days when programmers had to write thousands of lines of code for simple programs. Today, programmers use frameworks. A framework enables programmers to build applications faster. 

But what exactly is programming? 

Programming is simply a set of instructions written in a lower-level language that a computer can understand.

Programming every instruction one by one is a tedious task. With frameworks, programmers today don't need to start their projects from scratch. They can use prebuilt frameworks to create applications quickly and focus on the higher-level functionality of applications. 

Frameworks Make Complex Processes Easier

Designing software includes numerous tasks. Programming from scratch is complex and needs a programmer to do several things, including syntax, declarations, statements, etc. 

Frameworks make life easy by taking care of all the lower-level functionality and enabling programmers to focus on the entire software development process. Frameworks establish the best programming practices and make the program more secure. They allow easy integrations and make applications more reliable. The time required to develop an application goes extremely little, and debugging code becomes simpler.

Types of Frameworks

Software frameworks exist to make application development easier. For example, there are web frameworks like Django, numerous data science frameworks like SK-Learn or Orange, and mobile application frameworks like Ionic and Xamarin. There are several software frameworks for all kinds of development projects - no matter what you're working on! 

Here are some top software frameworks in trend:

Web Frameworks

Angular: Angular is a typescript-based, open-source JavaScript framework that makes building web apps easy. Angular combines declarative templates with dependency injection and end-to-end tooling. Popular websites created using Angular are Paypal, Netflix, and Upwork.

Django: Django is a python framework that is used to develop applications. It's free and open-source and designed for rapid development of Web applications using the Model, View, and Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. By providing an infrastructure that comes with built-in support of common Web programming concepts, such as MVC, authentication, or regular expressions, Django lets you focus on writing your app without reinventing the wheel. Popular websites developed in Django are Instagram, Mozilla, Pinterest, and Disqus.

Mobile Development Frameworks

Ionic: Ionic is an open-source development platform for the entire application lifecycle. Ionic enables code reuse and styles throughout your app, and you can build beautiful native interfaces. Popular applications developed using Ionic are McDonald's Turkiye, Pacifica, and MarketWatch.

Flutter: Flutter was created by Google to make native mobile development easier. In addition to being user-friendly and allowing us to efficiently develop high-functioning programs for Android, iPhone, iPad, and other operating systems from a single interface, Flutter is free and open source. Popular applications developed using Flutter are Cryptography, Google Ads(utility), and Alibaba.

Data Science Frameworks

Pytorch: Social networking giant Facebook has created PyTorch that helps in accelerating the process from research and prototyping to production deployment. This is a helpful tool in particular for computer vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Popular websites developed using Pytorch are Trifo, Quadient, and Comcast.

Apache Spark: Apache Spark is an open-source distribution of cluster computing software for doing big data analytics. With Apache Spark, you can quickly write applications in Java, Scala, Python, R, and SQL distributed across many nodes. Popular companies using Apache Spark are Cisco, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, and Visa.

Every industry needs software, whether for eCommerce, social media platforms, web applications, data science, or any other application. For saving time and creating better software applications, frameworks are an essential tool in the programmer's toolbox. To read more blogs like this, visit the Cogent Infotech website.

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