
Introduction to JVM and JVM languages

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Introduction to JVM and JVM languages

JVM or Java Virtual Machine is an engine for a runtime environment to prompt Java code or apps. It converts Java byte code into action. The compiler produces code for a specific system, but the Java compiler generates code for JVM. Initially, Java was the only language used for JVM. Today, you have several JVM languages available.  

Why Should You Choose JVM?

With many programming languages available, developers still develop and deploy their projects on JVM. Though Java has been marked obsolete, it still has fans.

And while so many programming languages come and go, Java still manages to gain the spotlight. There are two main reasons behind this-  

  • The Java Class Library is extremely robust.
  • It evolves with the changing market. It enjoys an incredible ecosystem.

How Does JVM Work?

Initially, the Java code is accumulated into byte code, which is interpreted on different machines. JVM in Java works to allocate memory space.

Besides Java, several other languages run on the JVM, such as Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, etc. Take a look at them in detail.


Java works on the object-oriented pattern. It is a general-purpose programming language and is known for its cross-platform portability. Simply put, programs coded on a platform can run on any hardware and software combination with sufficient runtime assistance. 

Some essential features of Java have been mentioned here:

Garbage collected


Scala means scalable language. It teams two major programming patterns, functional and object-oriented programming.

Scala doesn’t support primitives. It offers the power to outline objects, approaches, and classes with functional programming specs like type class, data type, and traits.

Some essential features of Scala have been mentioned here:

Slow computation
Pattern matching
Object-oriented and functional


Kotlin is an open-source, static, general language that teams functional and object-oriented patterns. The major focus when launching Kotlin was Java interoperability, security and precision, and optimized tooling assistance.

After the launch of Android Studio 3.0, it is a comprehensively supported programming language for the Android platform by Google. 

Some essential features of Kotlin have been mentioned here:

Interoperability with Java
Highly statically types
Functional and object-oriented


Groovy is a static-typing, object-oriented, dynamic domain-specific language. It enhances the productivity of the developer with simple syntax.

You can integrate Groovy with all Java programs and use its powerful features such as runtime, functional programming specs, scripting abilities, and more.

Some essential features of Groovy have been mentioned here:

Interoperable with Java
Precise productivity
Domain-specific language
Operator overloading


Clojure runs on JVM and MS Common Language Runtime, a general-purpose programming language. It is a compiled and dynamic language because the features work at runtime.

The developers developed a modern Lisp to run on JVM. Just like Lisps, it considers code as data. This is why it is also called Lisp programming language dialect.

Some essential features of Clojure have been mentioned here:

Developed for concurrency
Runtime polymorphism


So, these are some of the popular JVM languages. They execute different programming paradigms such as functional, dynamic typing, object-oriented, and static typing.

To date, JVM is an incredibly relevant and ideal platform for current-day programming languages. The Java Virtual machine is slower in execution than other compiler machines, but the result is flawless.

Learn more about Cogent university Bootcamp, where they help you learn about JVM, JVM languages, and more.


  1. Mention the components of JVM.

Following are the components of JVM:

  • Class loader
  • Execution engine
  • Runtime memory

Is the JVM platform dependent?

Yes, JVMs are dependent on the platform. Every platform (Mac, Windows, or UNIX) has its JVM to run Java apps.

What is JVM- compiler or interpreter?

JVM has both an interpreter and compiler. Once the compiler and byte code compile, the code is generated, and the interpreter converts it into simple and easy-to-understand code.

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